Sunday 30 December 2012


tempted, ever so tempted to post a video of me singing.
What happens in 2012 stays in 2012... remember that



circle of LIFE


quote of the day

To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.

-e.e. cummings 


back back back! My half day at the animal rescue is over! now on to some exhilarating revision...
PLEASE COMMENT I really really want to interact!

Saturday 29 December 2012


Photo of the day.
Today me (right one), my sister (middle one, squatting!) and my brother (left one) went surfing for some obscure reason. Nevertheless, I utterly love this photo!

abstract haircuts and art is art

Painting nails is an art, anything is an art if you want it to be, whether your good at it, superb at it, or not so great (however, i think art is always good, it simply depends on the eyes and minds that are secretly or not so secretly judging). Back to the point, these nails of mine, that I created today reminded me of haircuts, starting from the right, goatee, mohawk, goatee, mohawk and then well, lets say thats a goatee and a too-pay (spelling may be wrong!)


This may sound typical, no not 'may', this will, but just let me say it.
I'm a girl who loves photography, I have an overwhelming passion for it, and as they say, a picture can tell a thousand words, its true.
I love music, especially Ben Howard.
I love animals, I'm a rescuer, all my animals are rescued, and I volunteer at a rescue centre.
Now, thats enough about me! Tell me something about you, I want to interact on here, I'm just not sure how...

is it OK?

I hope its OK if I decide to simply post quotes every now and then?

not hipster, as one may assume

So, moving on swiftly, here is a picture of my recent nail art! I was extremely bored during my college lecture and decided to experiment with my gold pens (for photography!)
I hope they inspire you!

salmon pink

Hello nobody, currently I am blogging to myself, right? Thank God I've got rid of the compulsory salmon pink header that was previously splayed across my newly born blog. Its got to be said, salmon pink should simply stick to salmons and not enter the real world, unless on the occasion that it is placed onto some perfectly manicured nails...

song to be heard and appreciated

just listen to this song, its electric


Hi there, yes, I am blogging... Unexpected, I know, but I'm glad! The sad truth is that I actually have no idea what I'm doing! Hopefully people will understand this and follow me on my journey through the BLOG LIFE anyway. I plan to show pictures of my nail-art (slight obsession, therapeutic, lets say) my daily life (WELL THE INTERESTING PARTS) etc etc... LETS GO